Wednesday, September 3, 2014

And I've not been posting

In the last week and change. Partly due to the amazingly loud vomiting of my wife, who is suffering from a severe case of morning sickness, only during the evening, possibly to make me suffer through it as I wouldn't be awake for the morning version.

Jests aside, I haven't really done much at all really. I did see The Expendables 3, of which I will put up a movie review in due course with enough gap between that and the last review that this doesn't become a default movie review blog. Then again, I'm really writing for myself, so why not write it now? But I haven't, which is pretty telling in my reaction to the movie, probably.

Antonio Banderas was possibly the funniest I have ever seen him though - for his performance alone it is worth a DVD hire.

Otherwise it has been housework and painting miniatures while watching the Apple TV. Fortunately the judicious decisions to buy a good dishwasher and easily cleaned benchtops and floors makes that part easy. The last month of rain hasn't made drying washing easier however - there are no real options for drying apart from the rack which takes 3 days to dry anything in the damp, or the dryer which takes in cotton shirts and gives back kids clothing.

Somehow this turned up when I searched for clean rooms - not quite what I was looking for.

As for the miniatures I'm going through systematically (well, kind of) and cleaning up all of the projects I had started and never really pushed to finish in the last 3 years.

So I owned 8 dreadnoughts - think of mortally wounded trans-human soldiers put into life support caskets and inserted into a giant war machine so they can use their skills and fury in almost death as they did in life. Unfortunately the rules have never really made this distinction between this sort of awesomeness and an expensive tank with arms meaning that it is sually bad if you take large numbers of them, but the models and story behind them are so awesome I owned 8 but had never painted them as I mainly paint for tournaments. And since you don't take sub par stuff to tournaments they sat around - lovingly built but forgotten.

So I've completed the main chassis for those - now I just have 35 odd arms to put on them as they all have mutiple options for weaponry - everything from missiles to fists (though no fist missiles sadly).

I've been doing this watching House MD - I always thought I would like this show but never really got into it at the beginning and I hate coming in part way through a storyline of something I actually want to watch. Stupid, I know. But 9 or 10 years after it started I'm finally getting around to watching it and it hasn't dated nor does it feel overwrought or silly - a big achievement not many other shows can live up to, especially if they are also giving an entertaining storyline and fascinating medical mysteries along the way. I've never liked a single 'doctor' or 'hospital' show - possibly because they have always used them as vehicles for soap drama with easily accessed emotional content via sick patients when they need it for effect. House MD is much more about the patient as well as the doctors, or at least what is wrong with the patient as often they are in a coma or unable to speak. I think about everyone one in 2 cases so far has called for intubation.

Anyway, that's enough from me, I should be back on the writing bandwagon and posting new stuff soon.