Monday, November 2, 2015

Long delays, I know. Life, babies. But this is a great place to throw things that don't belong on facebook without turning me into one of those guys who always rants about their pet causes.

So, lets get to it.3 things that have made me irritable over the past week on the internet (I know, right?)

1. People who don't like the Melbourne Cup because of X (alleged cruelty to horses) or Y (because gambling is only one step away from moral genocide). I flat out don't care one bit, your moral stance is usually preening, or of the 'I feel worse so I'm better' sort.
2. David Pocock - goes around lecturing about same sex marriage and coal, but is seemingly ok with stomping on other people's heads. And yeah, it was an accident, sure. Enjoy the time on the sideline being tied up to a tree.
3. Being told that potentially raising the GST (a tax that will be a fixed % forever) is brave, especially if we get tax cuts (that will diminish over time as it is a set rate, not a %). Unless they index income tax at the same time, its just a tax grab to cover budget shortfalls made by spending money we didn't have on things we didn't need.

Ill throw a 4th in : I don't care where on Earth we build our next warships and submarines. If the Collins class is any indication, Australia isn't a good bet. And the Navy is not a jobs creation scheme - I don't think the sailors sitting in 2nd rate subs will be thinking 'at least it's Australian made' as the depth charges start to sink. Get the best damned ships from wherever - its too important an issue to turn into an employment scheme.

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