Thursday, April 23, 2015

I’m not 100% sold on my ‘time to grumble symbol’ yet, but I figured its been a week and if I don’t write at some point I’ll start talking back to the car radio news network, and its only a short hop from there to writing on youtube comments.

So the things that have frustrated  this week :

 Not really apologising in an apology – Girl claims to have cancer, beats said cancer, makes a ‘well living’ app and promises to donate the money to charity. The only thing that was true about any of this was that she made an app. After months of speculation Belle Gibson admitted to being a liar.  No cancer. No money given to charity (no record of her ever giving to the charities she 'supported). This is all bad enough, but this line takes the cake - 

"Above anything, I would like people to say, 'Okay, she's human. She's obviously had a big life. She's respectfully come to the table and said what she's needed to say, and now it's time for her to grow and heal."

No. Not when you fabricate illness, benefit personally and professionally from it and then don’t even have the courage to make a proper apology, or admit that what you did was a serious thing. You lied, you lied about lying and when caught, weasel words spring forth putting all the blame in bubble wrap - ‘I have issues/history’ and ‘I did the wrong thing but’  make your apology worthless, to go with your sad and reprehensible behavior. 

You lied and probably harmed other people by having them not treat serious illnesses with modern science - just a gluten free/sugar free cookbook. What a piece of work.

Ok. Next.
Apparently Hillary Clinton should become president no matter what because she is female.
Identity politics at its worst. Yes, no woman has been president. But electing someone not because of their character or ideas but because of their physical characteristics is the domain of supremacists.
Not because she is the best candidate, has the best policies. But the fact she is a woman raises her up in this stake to be the best possible candidate no matter what. The fact that a national head of state and their administration should represent all people doesn’t seem to factor in. And I’m going to guess if Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachman was in the drivers seat for an election win she wouldn’t be throwing this article out. Probably because they would be ‘gender traitors’ or something similar.

Now the fact that after 800 people drowned recently crossing from Libya (and potentially 1200+ during the Australia Labor Government) is a marker which the journalist can not be ignore but is hurried past during the story - the deaths are regrettable but they don't really want to do the actions that will prevent similar deaths in the future, so you can't linger on it. So they  wring hands over drowned people rather than deter live ones from making dangerous journeys. 

And don't get me started as to why these people are leaving Libya, a place where the US, UK and France decided to remove Ghadaffi without putting anything in place to ensure it didn't become a failed state.

Ok, thats me for the day.

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