Wednesday, April 15, 2015

New features, additional content.

So this will continue to be a space for me to write about.... well.... whatever I feel like, really. But I have noticed a desire to 'discuss' things I see in the news, on Facebook etc that I don't have a fully appropriate forum to do so. As when you do comment on news sites or on Facebook the point always gets lost in the morass of inanity and trollishness which seems to inhabit these places.

So I'll do so here. I was thinking of something I saw on a while back - he had a banner for those times once a week where he discussed those actions and opinions that had annoyed or frustrated him that week, therefore allowing him to keep his blog more sedate generally.

I was thinking of doing the same, so I'll be looking out for an appropriate banner and topic heading so I can say what I think, and my 2 readers can see this easily and avoid it as desired.

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