Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Oh how those Facebook activist groups try to fool me...

Well, I saw on Facebook that someone I know had taken a Facebook test.

Shocking, I know.

But it piqued my interest- it was a fairness test from the Australia Aid Network.

2 seconds worth of thought said that they would say that we have been giving less aid, which is unfair. But this test you just took proved that you are a fair person. So you should protest this unfair decision, right? I mean, you just proved you stand for fairness and all.

So I took the test, and basically tried to be as 'unfair' as possible. Some of the questions were laughable - 'A fast food restaurant is replacing your community arts centre - fair or unfair?' And then the last few questions were about bridges being half built without funding and whether that was fair, or vaccination programs unfulfilled etc.

Now personally as it is Australia's money. Well, to be more precise, taxpayers money. So  I think it’s fair if we choose to give or not (well, if our duly elected government does at any rate). Choosing to give or not to give to someone is not a matter of fairness when it was not theirs to begin with. That isn’t to say that giving isn’t good but fairness requires obligation and ownership, neither of which is obligatory with foreign aid.

But personal points aside, I tried to be as unfair as I could. And yet somehow I ended up with the 'you are a fair guy' result.

Now making sure I couldn't have accidently been 'fair' as the Aid Network would see it, I redid my answers to the opposite. Fair. I then tried changing the 60/40 questions of what would be fair in case I had it wrong. And yet, fair I was. No matter what, I'm a fair guy.

And of course, no matter what, I was urged to tell the Treasurer that he wasn't fair, or at least was acting 'unfairly'.

I shouldn't feel scammed by facebook questionaries as their entire existence seems to run under the premise of scamming people, but still this seems disingenuous.

Then again, I don’t imagine it matters too much, I’m sure Treasury staff have an awesome mail rule auto forwarding all of the preapproved emails to the Treasurer’s office straight to junk.

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