Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Ah, the ruins of Greece

Inspiration from Link .

Greece has been on a downwards spiral for the past decade and a bit. Well, if you go via a historical graph of influence and power, culture and learning the Greece has been on a downwards spiral for the past 2300 years but that isn't the point here.

It seems they are determined to create new ruins for tourists but have decided to skip the ancient part of it by creating a large number of sporting venues they neither want to use nor maintain and so are going to seed in rapid order - 

Ah, the historical diving pool, used for... well nothing really useful.

I know baseball is more boring than watching grass grow but I didn't think that someone wanted to prove it.

And so the office chair goes for the gold!

For once I'm glad I live in Sydney - everyone (especially the media) kicked up such a fuss about the Olympics that the government actually put thought into how facilities would be used after the Olympics. There was even a comedy drama called The Games about what a shambles organising The Olympics was for Sydney before it had even happened. 

Of course the major part of the Homebush Olympic site is still an ugly park built with the finest lack of aesthetics in mind but at least the facilities are used regularly.

Did I mention ugly? But still in use.

What a failure of governance this is - they couldn't finish building and planning in time, couldn't fill the stadiums for the events and then couldn't find a use for them afterwards. 

This paints a larger indictment on the former legislature - they couldn't get the Olympics right nor the aftermath - a lack of ability to deliver and vision to find a use for what they built.

Oh, and the cost of the Olympics to Greece? Only 8 billion Euros. What a bargain. 

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