Friday, August 1, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy

Now I will warn you - this contains at least some spoilers - read at your peril.

So I went to see 'Guardians of the Galaxy' last night.

Interesting movie - certainly it had some funny moments in it- though few of the one liners actually come to mind now.

The plot is a standard Marvel opening movie for a series - the guys meet, they fight, they learn to fight together, and then stand against the galaxy's most overacting man - Ronan.

Guardians of the Galaxy Ronan - P 2014
His face paint and fabulous hammer are the least loud things about him.

Ronan is a fanatic, wanting to destroy a species his own species had conducted a peace treaty with because something religious something shut up he is evil ok? We know this because he loves to monologue in a tone even he must find patronising to listen to.

Our anti-hero is in the middle on the first picture - Adam Warlock - whose superpower is being a slightly less charming but slightly more enthusiastic Bradley Cooper (who is voice acting the raccoon above as Rocket Raccoon). Now he does have some decent script writers, two pistols, a mask and rocket boots that allow him to fly in space - though strangely, his facial mask stops the rest of him getting frozen or decompressed in space. He is a rogue, who steals an orb that has the power of McGuffin to cause immense destruction wherever it goes.

We have the deadly green love interest in Gamora, who worked for Ronan before deciding to steal the McGuffin from our hero. Usual love arc takes its course.

We have Groot, who is the comic relief in the party being a treeman who only has 4 words in the entire move - I hope Vin Diesel got paid well for that one.

Finally we have Drax the Destroyer, played by Batista from WWF as the worlds most over-muscled tattoo experiment, who has the power of secondary comic relief and being outmatched by basically everyone he fights.

Also this girl who is a cyborg or something strange - there only to give Gamora someone to fight and be in the next movie it seems.

They all band together and I won't ruin the rest here, apart from to say that everyone has a sad story they need to cry about and become friends.

All in all, reasonably fluffy and funny, with the visuals by far being the most memorable thing here -you will remember the faces and scenes long after you forget the details of what happened.

This shows in the credits with about 70%+ being devoted to CGI and technical crews.

Score - 3.5/5 It's better than the Avengers because the action is far less messy and it gave more than a few laughs along the way.

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