Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Singing in the rain

It has been wet in sydney - really, really wet Link

Even though it hasn't rained properly since Monday, the world looks like someone left the sprinkler on too long - the ground is amazingly wet and boggy in those places you only realise afterwards are natural low points. The afterwards part refers to after you step in it, performing an impromptu breakdance move as you try and stop slipping over.

A picture....
I've not seen many accidents as I've gone through apart from the first day - it seems the first day of solid rain is quite the Darwinian process winnowing those who can't drive safely in the wet from those who can or are just lucky.

is worth....

One annoying thing is trying to do washing and drying due to inability to open doors without wetting more of your house than drying - the bathroom window was a testament to this, bringing in all the grit attached to the fly screen into the house - specifically onto the toilet and floor I had cleaned on the weekend.

Artists interpretation.

It's times such as those that cause you to be grateful for the ability to internalise swearing.

But eventually the rain will pass, probably today, unless it does the typical thing which is pass on but leave lingering traces sitting in the sky, forcing you to take your umbrella everywhere awkwardly in case it rains while you are out.

But at least some of the rain went into the garden, and may have given enough life to the weeds in the back garden for them to reach the next level of civilisation and start using stone tools, so high and mighty have they risen. I may need to break out the napalm, as the movies would have it.


And so ends the ramble - it seems the brain is unable to easily cope underneath gloomy skies, which explains the plot off all of the Twilight movies, I guess.

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