Thursday, July 31, 2014
My face, continued
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
They don't think that the citizens who elected them are capable of making good decisions for themselves...
While I don't mind a small amount of government paternalism to protect people (for instance, road signs and street lights, seatbelt laws that are not revenue raising, banning dumping chemicals into dams etc) I draw the line at whether people should be banned from choosing what portion size they have - at that point, what isn't in their scope of regulation? How much shampoo you use at night? How often you mow your lawn? It seems silly, but these people think you are that dumb that you can't say 'No' when someone offers to upsize your food beyond you need and desire, and sit there without agency, shovelling food into your mouth, costing the taxpayers billions. And then they blame 'Big Food' or whomever for doing it to you. Sure.
Things you don't want to see or hear from your dentist.
If my mouth falls out I'll let you all know.
Monday, July 28, 2014
The faith of the earth.

It feels like what David Thompson wrote on his blog (The Sound of Wringing) - they are better than you because they feel worse than you.
So you have a movement with an idea of
I know I'm being heavy handed here - but listen next time you hear one of the leaders of the green movement speak next time and look at the language in use - is it that of a leader of a political party or a prophet of a faith? One very sure of themselves at that? For example from the carbon tax repeal - Christine Milne
“Have we got the courage and the leadership to do what is necessary to save life around the world? The Greens have, but I have to say the Parliament has failed on that,” she said.
The thing that worries me is that you can justify many things in the name of faith, and the green faith does not seem tolerant to those who leave or question it at all. It calls them 'deniers' - apart from the quick wink association with Holocaust denial, if you added 'of the true faith' to the end, would it sound wrong?
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Weekend warhammer.
So this weekend I has my first tournament for Warhammer Fantasy. It's a table top wargame set in a fantasy setting - elves, humans,dwarves, vampires, etc. You can find out more at regarding the game background and the models.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Well, I've had a couple of interesting days at the crossing near my work. Two days ago I was reading my phone just before crossing, then started to cross, when a car flashes its lights at me and then pulls up in the centre of the road. To add to the fun, it is a one lane street in one direction, so this guy has blocked all traffic.
He then proceeds to get out of the car, come across to where I am, hands me his phone and asks me to turn on the GPS to direct him to a street nearby.
Being startled, I didn't proceed to ask him what on earth he was doing, or who he thought I was (was I wearing a shirt that said IT nerd?) but I found apple maps, turned it on and then he took the phone and left without a word, got back into his car he had left idling in the middle of the road, and took off. Strange man.
The day after, same crossing, same time, different result - instead of someone stopping, it was someone who didn't want to. I got to the crossing and started to walk across when I saw another car coming. Well, not a car - one of the pretend utes people buy that is all engine and extra moulded tray space and no actual wear and tear or rear view visibility.
You know what I'm talking about.
So this guy sees me starting to cross, and we start the 'who is going to stop game' - he accelerates then brakes then accelerates again as I react by stopping, starting, then stopping. We do the dance for a bit more, I eventually dash across and then he takes off into the distance like the King's messenger. By his expression, if his car could have let a token of his appreciation in my way as a horse can, he would have done so.
I know, the small stuff isn't worth sweating, but it is unusual that twice in 2 days I've had strange encounters.
Today I parked somewhere else. No problems.