Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Things you don't want to see or hear from your dentist.

Sorry I didn't post yesterday but I was having a not so fun trip to the dentist after a filling decided to come out of my mouth, taking half of another tooth with it.

This was the third visit to rectify that situation and they found some other problems too caused by my original metal fillings from when I was a teenager, so I have at least two more fun trips to go.

Somehow this is one of the top images on the search for dentists. I'm guessing this movie didn't help people with their dentist fears.

Anyway yesterday was the best yet in classic ' things I don't want to see or hear from my dentist'.

2)The ritual shaking of the head as he looks at my file 
3) "That nerve looks really exposed"
4) "I'll need a bigger wedge"
5) "This may hurt for a few days, probably"
6) "Oh. That's not good." - in relation to me not having extras insurance.

So I'll be rectifying number 6 today - while I've been ahead so far in not paying my premium I will end up behind before long at this rate. 

Oh, and I left #1 til last.

1) (to the nurse) "Can you pass the (larger drill)?" 

 I didn't even get that assurance.

Update : 

Now my face is still swollen, and my teeth are very sore. Good, because the roots are still working. Bad, because it can't be good, right?

If my mouth falls out I'll let you all know.

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