Wednesday, July 23, 2014


And so I get home, and decide to push through the tiredness behind my eyes and get some housework done today. I know, I deserve a medal or something. I just remember thinking as I locked up the house last night 'damn who walked all the dirt in, and who used all the plates?'

Of course, the answer is probably me. Cutting across the grass and eating toast was my guess. Plus the lovely wife is sick so I'm looking out for both of us until further notice.

So I vacuum, clean the benches, grumble, clean out the vegetable drawers. And replace the old fruit and veg which looks at me accusingly as I replace it with the new. As if it didn't know this was the way when it moved in the week before. Somehow our fruit box order seems to contain enough potatoes each week to fix a famine, along with its sweet potatoe friends looking like they just came from Priapat.  

Did they have to anthropomorphise it?

Anyway, eventually the fridge bins are cleaned and dried and full of fresh fruit and veg for the week, the garbage goes out, dinner is made and all is well in the world. 

Until I take a closer look at the dirt on the floor and see it needs washing soon too. And the washing is piling up in the laundry. And in my bathroom. Did I mention the weeds that are soon to gain full sentience in my backyard between the pavers? 

Ah well - it's a chance to be a martyr another day, right? Or invent a robot cleaning maid. Anyone want to back a kickstarter? 
Prototype picture.

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