Tuesday, July 22, 2014

In the news...

Some people are just... petty. It's like they run off of outrage and feeling like they are standing up for something or to something- and as social standards are raised, the bar for what outrages is lowered again and again.

For instance - the social injustices of Thomas the Tank engine Link
Really? Because white smoke comes from coal trains and black from diesel it is coded racism? Maybe it's just smoke, like what is blowing from the authors ... pipe.

After finding this I found it wasn't the first time someone had taken their sociology degree seriously when watching a kids show - 

Now the Fat Controller is a tyrant, socialist trains, buses and trucks are ruined or lynched and female trains are marginalized because something something dark side.

It's like there is no sense of proportion or scope here - it isn't a text for children about how white men should rule the world - it's a series of books and shows about trains that have faces and get into trouble and learn how to be friends. 

But I guess it assuages the authors hearts that they are fighting for justice one train at a time.

Justice for you, comrade! Fight the patriarchy and all its capitalist evils! Wait, you just want to take passengers? Splitter!

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